Promotion Mock Board

Promotion Mock Board

Regular price £350.00 Sale

The Police Pass Mock Board has been created to provide clients with an opportunity to participate in a mock board with experienced panel members. The board can be tailored to meet your needs and follow the structure and process that your own organization/force utilises.

Following the interview process, the panel members will provide feedback on your performance at the mock board which will assist you in your preparation for the promotion process in force. 

The sessions will take 1.5 hours and in most cases be delivered remotely (via Skype or telephone). Clients are also welcome to have a face to face board if they prefer, however, this will be held in Carmarthen, West Wales.

Police Pass are happy to undertake a board in your area if there is enough demand to make the process viable for all concerned. Please contact Police Pass for more bespoke details if required.